Friday, October 8, 2010

The Sun, Electricity, and Earth's Weather.

I'm currently reading a book titled "Tuning the Diamonds - Electromagnetism and Spiritual Evolution" by Susan Joy Rennison, and I've just read something that I wouldn't to share.

Astrophysicist James McCaney (well know for his Plasma Discharge Comet Model) made this reference in an interview with the SPECTRUM news magazine about our Sun:

"To understand Earth weather, you must first understand that the Sun fusion is not in the core; it's up at the surface of the Sun. That translates into tremendous electrical energy in the Solar System. The planets and the comets and the moons of the solar system all are discharging this battery or capacitor that's built up around the Sun. In the process of discharging this battery or capacitor, the electrical energy is blowing through the solar system all the time and is, basically, the cause of our weather."

"One of the fundamental properties of fusion is that it seperates charge and the protons go out. It's a rather complicated situation but, basically, the Sun is like a "super atom." It has a corona (crown) of very high energy electrons which are in orbit, literally at very high velocities, around the central, positively charged core of the Sun. So, you have the super atom state. When the proton streamers come off of the Sun, they are accelerated through the corona, which is NEGATIVELY charged; then they come blasting out. This is the cause of solar flaring. In fact, you would not even have solar flaring with the solar core fusion model, where fusion is IN the core."

"In fact, before SOHO and the these solar satellites were up in orbit, the standard concept of the Sun was that it was just a very smooth, glowing orange ball. That's what would be predicted if you had the core model of fusion IN the Sun. When they got up there, all of the data contradicted that model, yet they kept the model, which is one of the big problems in astronomy."

So this goes to say that everything is reacting off of electrical (electromagnetic) energy out in space, and that planets are discharging and reacting to this energy which causes weather and climate change. The friction it has with our atmosphere causes our heat!!!