The color back has been deemed (by Western civilization) as demonic or negative. In retrospect it is the complete opposite. Terms such as black magic, black plague, black market, black ball, black list, black widow, black lies, etc..all have to do with some type of negativity. When the color white is symbolized with good or pure. Some examples are white angels, little ’white’ lies, snow white, etc.
The truth is, when you mix all the colors the the spectrum (ROY G BIV) together it makes the color black. Black is the only color that can attract all the colors (vibrations from the Sun), therefore the result is black. Black is also represented by accomplishment and esteemed individuals. Judges wear black, the Supreme Court Justices wear black, and black is also worn during college graduations. So apparently black isn’t negative.
However, white is the absence of color and rejects all other colors (vibrations from the sun) of the spectrum. Everything in this world has some type of color. Plants, animals, insects, reptiles, fish, and even minerals. They only entities that are white are polar bears (due to their location and climate), and albinos (which are products of a genetic ’fuck up’).
The colors black and white or not ’original’ colors. One is the absence of and the other is the addition of. If I may personify the colors..they would be enemies being on opposite ends of the spectrum. When thinking about this one can wonder why all other colors (races) are caught in between the battle between white and black. Asians, Indians (from India), Hispanics, and other cultures come to America and are able to start their own business and receive tax incentives but its hard as hell for African Americans (in general) to establish a business in their own country. I’m not making any excuses for those who lack education or the drive to pursue financial freedom